
Topdressing is a key component to maintaining healthy turfgrass and superior surfaces. The application of sand smoothes and firms the surface, provides a base to establish lower cutting heights, and is the most effective method of controlling thatch (organic matter) build-up. The newly established sand profile creates an environment for soil microbes to populate and break down the organic matter that builds up during the growing season.

Following aerification, compatible sand is spread on the greens at a volume high enough to fill the voids created by the cores and blanket the surface. The sand is watered in and when dry, brushed daily until it migrates down and incorporates into the turf canopy. The surface is rolled to firm and mowing only commences when the turfgrass has grown up through the sand.

The grass must be allowed to grow up through the sand and mowing heights are adjusted down when the bentgrass density re-establishes and sand is no longer evident when mowing. The expected timetable for the greens to return to pre-aerification status is approximately three to four weeks, weather dependent.

Over fertilization prior to or post topdressing may contribute to a quicker recovery, but increases the volume of organic matter thus negating the effectiveness of the sand application. Removing the sand from the surface immediately after application by means of mowers and blowers also negates the profile building benefits of the topdressing.

Patience following topdressing is required. It is important to remember that the long term performance of the putting surface is the goal.

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