Green Waste Stockpiling

The volume of tree debris that is generated from storm clean-up, annual pruning, strategic/dead tree removal is hard to accurately quantify.  This green waste is gathered and stockpiled throughout the season within the "Nursery Area" (located between Hole #16 and Hole #18).  The debris will eventually be ground into wood chips via a large Tub Grinder and recycled.  The stockpile requires monthly management throughout the year and when it expands to a point where it presents a fire concern to the overhead lines that provide power to our well motor, it must be consolidated and compacted.  This past month, we rented an excavator with a thumb for a day to perform the consolidation work.  Fifteen months worth of collected material was addressed in four hours.  I was pleased with the results and optimistic that by building the pile vertically we can prolong the time between grinding.  Tub grinding can be a costly expense, but with the volume we generate, it is much more economical than filling and hauling off 30 yard dumpsters.

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